Friday 15 January 2010

NEWS: Kano Responds To The Sunday Times Calling Him 'Foul Mouthed'

On Monday we told you how the government enlisted Kano to help promote school diplomas, and how The Sunday Times called him a "foul-mouthed rapper" and saw him as a controversial choice.

Well Kano, has decided to respond to The Sunday Times via The Guardian after speaking to journalist Joseph Patterson:

"The Sunday Times might call me a 'foul-mouthed' rapper, but at least I'm using my voice to do something positive for my community.

Recently, I wrote a song called More Than One Way to promote the government's diploma scheme.
I wanted to use my voice to do something positive. There are too many kids who don't think they can make it to the top. They give up before they have even started, but in my eyes everyone can succeed and it's really important that young people believe in themselves.
The Sunday Times wrote a negative piece about my involvement in promoting the diploma, trying to paint me as the stereotypical "bad-boy rapper". The piece was full of mistakes. For one thing, I'm not helping Ed Balls, I'm helping the future of our youth, and if it wasn't about that then I wouldn't be involved. "Foul-mouthed" or not, I'm doing more for my community than a lot of others. This scheme could potentially change a young person's future for the better, so how could you be against that? "

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Good on Kano for his response!

Do you believe that the government made a good choice by enlisting Kano to front this campaign? Discuss

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