Friday, 22 May 2009


Nowadays its rear to hear music that captures your eardrums and demands that you take notice, with the newest addition to the Uk's thriving music scene, Cherri V does this effortlessly.

Born and raised in London, Cherri V's fusion of Rock, Pop and R 'n'B sets her apart from the border line, medioca sounds we are often to familiar with and dear I say it...bored stiff of!

Serving as yet another form of excellence curtisy of The Brit School, Miss V's unique sound even captured the attention of eccentric group Gnarls Barkely which lead to a colloboration.

Cherri V's future looks more than luscious with a current record deal under her belt with 6060 Music and an album ready to drop later this year.

Check out Cherri V's official video...go on indulge your sweet tooth!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see both Cherri and Jade doing so well in the music world!


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